5 Tips for Choosing the Right Size Wall Art

Whether it is a framed print, canvas print, a photograph, or one of a kind custom piece, adding wall art to your home decor will amplify your room with color and style.  Believe it or not, SIZE MATTERS. Unfortunately, determining the proper size and placement of artwork can sometimes be discouraging.  As someone who has struggled with this myself, I want to provide some tips I have learned over time. These tips will not only help when planning your next art purchase but will also serve as a guide  on how to decide what size of wall art will be right for your room.

Tip 1: First things first, when picking art for any room my motto is BIGGER IS ALWAYS BETTER.  The one decorating mistake I see made often is that people select wall art that is way too small for the room!  When you are purchasing art, you surely don’t want to buy it, and hang it, only to discover your room still looks and feels empty.  Definitely think about the amount of furniture that you have in a room. Not a-lot of furniture? Then a large piece of art can help. High Ceiling? Then a large piece of art can help.  Low ceiling? Then a shorter canvas with a long landscape orientation might work best.  Key point for this tip: GO BIG!  

Tip 2: The Wall   You need to think about two things when it comes to the wall you are placing the art on. One, the overall dimensions of the wall. Two, you need to think about the orientation.  Narrow, altitudinous walls will work best with art that has a similar shape, constructed in a portrait, or vertical orientation, while horizontal wall spaces (typically found in hallways or over sofas) work best with landscape-oriented artwork.  Key point for this tip: When looking at the overall wall space dimensions your artwork should take up 2/3 to 3/4 of the wall.  

Tip 3: Hanging Art over Furniture or Mantels- This tip is super simple to incorporate. When hanging art over furniture like a sofa, table, fireplace mantle size matters.  Key point for this tip: Art should be 3/4 the width of the furniture and hung 6-12 inches above the top.  It is just that easy!  

Tip 4: When in doubt go with a gallery wall! Gallery walls are an entertaining and eye-catching way to fill a large space. You can utilize a gallery wall when you find several prints or pieces of art within the same color palette, you are attracted to more than one piece of art work by the same artist, or to display stunning photography in frames.  There are a few ways you can pull off a gallery wall. One, you can group together wall art which is all the same size. Two you can build eye-catching displays by grouping together art of varying sizes.  Similar to the picture I have above. Key point for this tip: lay the artwork out on the floor first, measure the the gallery width and height. Make sure it follows the same guidance I provided above for filling up your space. 

Tip 5: Make sure you hang your art at eye level. Think about it this way? Imagine if you hung all the mirrors in your home so high you couldn’t even see your own face in them. Useless, right? This is by far the second most common mistake I see when it comes to hanging wall art. Key point for this tip: Wall art is meant to be seen and appreciated. It’s difficult to be appreciated when you have to strain your neck to see it.

I hope these tips help you when picking your next piece of wall art. Good luck and happy decorating!